10. februára 2025

Anarcho-Punk Music and Resistance in London 1977-1988 (Hudba a odpor v Londýně 1977-1988)

napsal David Insurrection

Anarcho-Punk: Music and Resistance in London 1977-1988 od David Insurrection je destilací tříleté práce. Je to příběh často přehlížené scény. Anarcho-punk v 80. letech skutečně otřásl pódiem. Mnohem více než hudba si dala za cíl změnit svět a ne nevýznamným způsobem právě a právě toto udělala. Toto hnutí inspirovalo generaci aktivistů, umělců a hudebníků, aby se pustili do boje za lepší spravedlivější svět. Prostě strhnout zdi. Sex Pistols možná otevřely dveře, ale Crass je vyrazili. Toto je jejich příběh. Když se vracíme do bojových 70. a 80. let, David nás vezme na cestu, kde navštívíme některá z nejvýznamnějších horkých míst scény, do míst, kde záleželo na změně a kde duch revolty vzplál nejjasněji. David Insurrection se narodil v roce 1962 a vyrostl v severovýchodním Skotsku. Je ženatý a má jednou dcerou. V 17 letech na podzim roku 1979 objevil punk rock. Zanechalo by to v něm trvalý dojem. V roce 1980 poprvé slyšel Crass. Tato zkušenost vše změnila a určila směr, kterým se jeho život od té chvíle ubíral. V roce 1984 se začal identifikovat jako anarchista a podnikl první aktivistické kroky. Do této doby se ponořil do veškerého anarcho-punku. V roce 1988 vytvořil první zine. Jeho další zine v roce 1990 se jmenoval Insurrection. V roce 1993 se přestěhoval do Londýna. Zůstal tam čtyři a půl roku a v roce 1997 se vrátil do rodného Skotska. Během pobytu v Londýně poprvé dostal touhu napsat knihu o anarchopunku. Na scéně je dodnes.


Anarcho-Punk: Music and

Resistance in London 1977-1988 by David Insurrection

For more information and to request an author interview please contact: Louise louise@earthisland.co.uk www.earthislandbooks.com

Anarcho-Punk: Music and Resistance in London 1977-1988 by David Insurrection is the distillation of three years work. It’s the story of an oft overlooked scene. Anarcho-punk in the 1980s truly rocked the boat. Much more than music it set out to change the world and in a not insignificant way did just that. It inspired a generation of activists, artists and musicians to take up the fight for a better fairer world. They tore down the walls. The Sex Pistols may have opened the door but the Crass punks charged through it. This is their story. As we return to the embattled 1970s and 1980s David takes us on a journey where we visit some of the scene’s most significant locations and hot spots, to places where change mattered and the spirit of revolt burned brightest. David Insurrection was born in 1962 and raised in NE Scotland. He’s married with one daughter. At the age of 17 in the autumn of 1979 he discovered punk rock. It would leave a lasting impression on him. In 1980 he first heard Crass. That experience changed everything and would determine the direction his life took from that point onwards. In 1984 he began to identify as an anarchist and took his first activist steps. By this time he had immersed himself in everything anarcho-punk. In 1988 he produced his first zine. His next zine in 1990 was called Insurrection. In 1993 he moved to London. He stayed there for four and a half years returning to his native Scotland in 1997. It was during his stay in London that he first got a hankering for writing a book on anarcho-punk. He’s still involved in the scene to this day.

Anarcho-Punk: Music and Resistance in London 1977-1988 by David Insurrection is the distillation of three years work. It’s the story of an oft overlooked scene. Anarcho-punk in the 1980s truly rocked the boat. Much more than music it set out to change the world and in a not insignificant way did just that. It inspired a generation of activists, artists and musicians to take up the fight for a better fairer world. They tore down the walls. The Sex Pistols may have opened the door but the Crass punks charged through it. This is their story. As we return to the embattled 1970s and 1980s David takes us on a journey where we visit some of the scene’s most significant locations and hot spots, to places where change mattered and the spirit of revolt burned brightest.